6 Tips to a perfectly cooked steak

January 07, 2023 1 min read

6 Tips to a perfectly cooked steak

Grass-fed beef comes from cows that are pasture-raised on grass from start to finish. Compared to a conventionally raised cow, grass-fed beef has more muscle and less fat. This can leave your steak tasting tough and chewy if its not cooked properly.

Cooking your Grass-Fed beef the right way will give you a juice and tender final product every time.

  • Sear!!! - Sear your steak first in butter or olive oil. This allows the outside to caramelize without making the inside too tough. Then finish cooking your steak at 325F. Cooking your steak too high/too fast will result in a tough steak.
  • Lower the Cooking Temperature!!! - Grass-fed beef needs to be cooked at 50 F lower and for 30% less time. If you cook the fat off too fast you will be left with a tough piece of meat.
  • Invest in a Meat Thermometer - cooking to the right temperature will hep you have a better result. The following are great guidelines for grass-fed beef: Rare - 120F |Medium Rare - 125F |Medium - 130F |Medium Well - 135F |Well - 140F
  • Start Out At Room Temperature. Remove your steak from the fridge at least 1/2 hour before cooking. This will take your steak less time to reach the desired cooked temp
  • Leave Your Steak Alone!!! Poking your steak with a fork or pushing down with a spatula will release all of the internal juices.
  • Let Your Meat Rest!!! - When you are done cooking let your meat rest for 10 minutes. This allows the juices to reincorporate back into the meat.

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