This rich and creamy yogurt is hand made at Shumway Farms in Afton, Wyoming.
Wyomings Skyr yogurt is different than all the other yogurts on the market due to grass-fed and full-cream milk, while also being sweetened with pure, maple syrup. Together these things create the thickest, creamiest, and healthiest yogurt product one can buy.
The culture used in our Skyr is a special probiotic culture, and the plain Skyr contains 21 grams of protein in one serving.
Skyr is not a raw milk product. It must be cooked at 180° F in order to denature the milk, and begin the Skyr making process.
Our meat shipping costs are flat rate by time zone. For orders up to 30 lbs - $19.75 MST, $27.95 PST, $37.95 CST, and $47.95 EST. Rates increast with more weight/boxes shipped.
Ranch gear and non parishables ship for $5.75
We ship every Monday. That is the day UPS has scheduled pickup in our area. Holidays and weather may affect shipping.
We ship in insulated liners with dry ice. Your meat should arrive in 2 days of leaving the ranch. We always pack with extra ice just in case there is a delay. Contact from the dry ice may make micro-holes in the packaging. This is normal and the meat is still good to put in your freezer to eat.